Training proposal for the pedagogical intervention of giftedness and high intellectual abilities




attention to diversity, teacher training, giftedness, high intellectual abilities, pedagogical intervention, educational inclusion, integral program, training proposal


Introduction: In Peru there is no prevalence study or educational policies for the care of students with a high IQ. The objective of the study was to design a training proposal for pedagogical intervention for students with giftedness and high intellectual abilities. Methodology: The Propositive Descriptive Transsectional design guided the application of an instrument structured in five dimensions and 15 items quantitatively assessed through the Likert-type scale to a sample of 60 students from the last cycles of education majors. Statistical processing used descriptive statistics. Results: The results show a low level of mastery in the dimensions: Conceptualization (43.1%); Detection (47.6%); Available Resources (47.1%) and Educational Options (34.6%); meanwhile, in the Educational Needs dimension it was found at a medium level (52.2%). Discussion: The study confirms that educators lack adequate knowledge regarding intellectual giftedness that allows them to identify them and/or use differentiation strategies that increase the depth and complexity of learning. Conclusions: The training proposal considers a comprehensive design in five stages: Awareness Raising, Implementation for the intervention, Successful Proposals for attention to High Abilities, Evaluation and Feedback.


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Author Biographies

Maribel Enaida Alegre Jara, Universidad Nacional del Santa

Graduate in Primary Education. Master in Higher Education Sciences. Doctor in Management and Educational Sciences. Faculty of Education and Humanities. National University of Santa. New Chimbote; RENACYT researcher - Level VI. Peru.

Eva María Rojas Cordero, Universidad Nacional del Santa

Doctor in Education, Doctor in Psychology. Master in Educational Psychology. Degree in Clinical Psychology. Specialist in Child Neuropsychology. Specialist in Human Sexuality. Faculty of Education and Humanities. National University of Santa. Nuevo Chimbote. Nuevo Chimbote. Peru.

Esmila Calderon Reyes, Universidad Nacional del Santa

PhD student in Administration. Master in Communication. Health Specialty. Degree in communication sciences. Coordinator of the School of Social Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Education and Humanities. National University of Santa. New Chimbote. Peru


Jacqueline Victoria Hernández Falla , Universidad Nacional del Santa

Doctor in Education. Master in Teaching and Educational Management. Graduate in Education. Physics and Mathematics Specialty. Faculty of Education and Humanities. National University of Santa. New Chimbote. Peru.

Giovanna Fiorella Marcelo Gómez, Universidad Nacional del Santa

Graduate in Education, specializing in Primary Education from the National University of Santa, since 2010, Peru. She completed master's studies in Gender and Development at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in 2021. Master in Educational Psychology, in 2012. Master in Public Management, in 2017. Doctor in Education from UNS, in 2022. She has worked as a Promoter in the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations since 2011. She is a university professor and researcher predominantly in gender, emotional intelligence, violence, and biodance. She is a therapeutic companion for people who suffer violence. He is currently studying the XII cycle of Law and the Second Specialty in Didactics of Research in Virtual Environments.

Brinelda Lilia Julca Castillo, Universidad Nacional del Santa

Master in University Pedagogy. Graduate in Education. History and Geography Specialty. Faculty of Education and Humanities. National University of Santa. New Chimbote. Peru

Norma Edith Castillo Ramos, Universidad Nacional del Santa

Graduate in education, with a specialty in Primary Education, with a master's degree in Educational Psychology and a Doctorate in Educational Sciences with work experience in various institutions of Regular Basic Education, in the area of ​​pedagogical innovations and in training actions to support teachers in service. Faculty of Education and Humanities. National University of Santa. New Chimbote – Peru.


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How to Cite

Alegre Jara, M. E., Rojas Cordero, E. M., Calderon Reyes, E., Hernández Falla , J. V., Marcelo Gómez, G. F., Julca Castillo, B. L., & Castillo Ramos, N. E. (2024). Training proposal for the pedagogical intervention of giftedness and high intellectual abilities. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.


