Coastal zone management indicators for sustainability in ten Latin American countries



Palabras clave:

Gestión de zonas costeras, Desarrollo socio-económico, Indicadores, Benchmarking, Análisis multivariante, Latinoamérica, Sostenibilidad, Cluster


Introduction: Coastal zones and climate change. This paper analyses coastal zone management and socio-economic indicators regarding sustainability in ten Latin American countries in 2020, using 22 indicators. The study focuses on two key research questions: RQ1: How have these countries performed in terms of sustainability and their socio-economic development indicators? RQ2: Can some countries be identified as benchmarks, according to their overall performance?  Methodology: Data from secondary sources such as CEPAL and the United Nations were considered using hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward’s method) to identify countries with similar patterns of behaviour. Results: The analysis revealed four clusters: CL1: Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua. CL2: Ecuador, Peru, Colombia. CL3: Chile. CL4: Mexico. Discussion: The analysis revealed important differences between these countries in their coastal management for sustainability. Despite efforts to improve, overall progress remains slow. The benchmark countries identified in each cluster offer valuable insights for policymakers in neighbouring regions, in areas such as applying blue economy strategies and achieving sustainable development goals. Conclusion: This research contributes to increasing public confidence in government effectiveness in optimising the sustainable tourism value chain, thereby promoting broader social-economic improvements in coastal communities in Latin America.


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Biografía del autor/a

Paola Hermosa Del Vasto, Universidad de Granada

PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Organization I at the University of Granada. She has taught in Master courses at national level. She has published in several national journals and has participated in international conferences. Since 2020 she is part of an interuniversity research group at national level, Research in Accounting and Economics for Sustainable Development in Emerging Economies (READEES) and since 2023 in the group Investigación Avanzada en Dirección Empresarial (SEJ478).

Juan Luis Peñaloza, Complutense University of Madrid,Universidad Complutense de Madrid

is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research II (Decision Methods) at the Complutense University of Madrid. His current project is "Big Data, Demand and Supply of Justice, Judicial Services." His research disciplines include Experimental Economics, Environmental Economics, and Behavioural Economics. He possesses expertise and experience in Game Theory, Decision Theory, Economic Analysis, and Applied Econometrics. Peñaloza’s work focuses on understanding complex decision-making processes and their applications in various economic contexts, contributing to advancements in both theoretical and applied economics.


Hermosa, P., Cunha, R., Urquía-Grande, P., Peñaloza, J. (2025). Indicadores de gestión de zonas costeras para la sostenibilidad en diez países Latinoamericanos [Coastal zone management indicators for sustainability in ten Latin American countries]. European Public & Social Innovation Review, número(vol.), pp.-pp.




Cómo citar

Hermosa Del Vasto, P., & Peñaloza, J. L. (2025). Coastal zone management indicators for sustainability in ten Latin American countries. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–22.



Humanismo y Ciencias Sociales

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