Estabilización de suelos para cimentaciones: métodos químicos y mecánicos



Palabras clave:

geotecnia, cal viva, estabilización, resistencia, permeabilidad, arcilla, dosificación, plasticidad


Introducción: El estudio geotécnico es esencial para el diseño de cimentaciones, evaluó la viabilidad de estabilizar el suelo con cal viva de muestras extraídas en la Formación Quillollaco, Loja, Ecuador. Metodología: Se realizaron ensayos de laboratorio según las normativas ASTM para dosificar la cal viva y evaluar su resistencia a la compresión y permeabilidad. Las muestras inalteradas se extrajeron a una profundidad de 2,00 a 3,00 m y se dosificaron con cal viva en porcentajes del 13,00% al 21,00% y 3,00% de Cal durante períodos de curado de 7 a 28 días.

Resultados: Previamente a la obtención de resultados, se evaluó el suelo mediante clasificación primaria, lo ensayos de laboratorio fueron: Límites de Atterberg, Proctor Estándar, Compresión simple y Permeabilidad. Discusión: Por consiguiente, los resultados indicaron que el suelo de la zona es principalmente arcilla de baja plasticidad. Aunque la adición de cal viva aumenta la plasticidad y la resistencia a la compresión, esta mejora es mínima y varía según la dosificación y el tiempo de curado. Se observa una mayor compactación y trabajabilidad con menores contenidos de cal viva. Respecto a la permeabilidad, se registra una mejora moderada-alta con la adición de cal viva, lo que sugiere una mejor capacidad de drenaje.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jose Luis Chavez Torres, Hohai University / Technical University of Loja

Civil Engineer graduated from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador) in 2014, with a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering/Geotechnics from Hohai University (China) in 2019, and currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the same university. He has worked in the public sector as a project designer, administrator, and construction supervisor, overseeing various civil works for governmental entities. Additionally, he has served as a research assistant and teaching assistant at Hohai University. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering, focusing on soil stabilization, urban expansion, and innovative soil improvement techniques. He also serves as a judicial expert for the Council of the Judiciary and is a founding partner of the consulting firm CONSUR.

Feng Tugen, Hohai University

Dr. Tugen has published over 60 papers, including 16 indexed by SCI and 18 by EI. He has led and overseen numerous significant projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education. He has conducted dynamic tests for over 20 major projects and holds 3 patents. His accolades include multiple awards for scientific and technological progress and recognition by the Jiangsu Society of Mechanics.  Dr. Tugen has been responsible for overseeing over 20 vertical projects, including the Ministry of Education's Returned Overseas Scholars Fund, the Nanjing Returned Overseas Scholars Fund, the Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation Science and Technology Project, and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation Science and Technology Project. He has conducted extensive on-site and indoor dynamic tests and dynamic response analysis calculations for over 20 major projects.

Kunyong Zhang, Hohai University

Dr. KunYong Zhang is a professor with extensive expertise in geotechnical engineering. He earned his bachelor's (1997) and master's (2000) degrees from Hefei University of Technology, and his doctoral degree (2004) from Hohai University. In 2008, he was a senior researcher at City University of Hong Kong, and in 2009, he conducted postdoctoral research at Cornell University with China Scholarship Council funding. Dr. Zhang is a member of several prestigious organizations, including the International Society of Rock Mechanics, the International Society of Soil Mechanics, the Chinese Civil Engineering Society, and the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. He also serves on the 5th Council of the Jiangsu Hydroelectric Engineering Society and the 10th Council of Jiangsu Civil Engineering and Architecture Society.

María Alejandra González Chávez, Technical University of Loja

María Alejandra González Chávez, a 2024 Civil Engineering graduate from the Technical University of Loja, has significant experience in designing, planning, and executing civil engineering projects, including office renovations at UTPL and technical work at MIDUVI. She is skilled in structural analysis, soil stabilization, and specialized software such as AutoCAD, Revit, ETABS, Cype, SewerGEMS, and WaterGEMS. An author on soil stabilization and sustainable construction, María Alejandra is known for her leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Fluent in Spanish and English, she seeks a challenging professional environment to further her technical and professional growth. An author on soil stabilization and sustainable construction, María Alejandra is noted for her leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Fluent in Spanish and English, she seeks a challenging professional environment to further her technical and professional growth.


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Cómo citar

Chavez Torres, J. L., Tugen, F., Zhang, K., & González Chávez, M. A. (2024). Estabilización de suelos para cimentaciones: métodos químicos y mecánicos. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9.



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