Interactive didactics of translation and interpreting: emotive approach applied to migrant care in German, Spanish, Arabic and Russian languages

Didáctica interactiva de la traducción e interpretación: un enfoque emotivo aplicado a la atención de migrantes en lenguas alemana, española, árabe y rusa



Mots-clés :

Translation, Interpreting, cognitive processes, emotive teaching, ecodidactics, embodied learning, situated learning, early professional training


Introduction: The current political situation and the increasing global migration movement put a lot of psychological pressure on migrant and refugee professionals. The contexts of today's migration care discourse are emotionally charged. In situations of social emergency, the role of the interpreter becomes an active part of the care team. Given the dramatic experiences, migrants and refugees represent a socially vulnerable community, and communication with them requires the special use of empathy to best serve the communicative purpose. This paper aims to show the important role of the interpreter in dealing with the current humanitarian crisis and the need for early practical training of future professionals in interlanguage mediation, especially in German, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. Methodology: Early interactive training according to the advances in Cognitive Sciences and the maximum approximation of the practical learning situation to the real environment (Barsalou, 2020; Shapiro & Stolz, 2019) contribute to the activation of cognitive mechanisms. Results: The present research presents the improvement of the teaching of interpreting techniques and strategies and proposes to include in the didactic units’ cases and discourses closer to the real ones in human emergency situations. Discussions: This approach focus on helping to meet the challenges of today's Translation and Interpreting labour market and contributes to the migrant´s integration and the peaceful coexistence within today's multilingual and multicultural society. Conclusions: The emotive and proactive didactic represents an effective method of turning the teaching of translation and interpreting into an interactive, holistic, ecological and sustainable educational process.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

María de Presentación Aquilera Crespillo, University of Malaga

Degree in Translation and Interpreting in 1999; Master's Degree in Translation for the Publishing World in 2013. Sworn interpreter of English in 1999, advanced degree in Arabic language from the EOI, CAP, Proficiency in English from the University of Cambridge, specialisation course in Subtitling and Dubbing, university expert in International Relations and Protocol. Associate Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Malaga/Spain. Arabic at the Abdulaziz Al Babtayn Chair of the University of Malaga and the FGUMA, with stays at the University of Alexandria (Egypt), Heidelberg (Germany) and Wolverhampton (UK). Combining her teaching work with the practice of sworn translation and a civil servant translator-interpreter for the Saudi Arabian Consulate 1996-2018 and freelance translator 1999-2024.

Olga Koreneva Antonova, Pablo de Olavide University

University professor in the Department of Philology, Translation and Interpreting
University Pablo de Olavide Seville/Spain, expert in Translations, Interpreting and Terminology, Bachelor Studies in Economics at the Fachhochschule Giessen (Germany) and Bachelor Studies in Translating and Interpreting at the University of Granada (UGR-Spain), PhD in Translating and Terminology (UGR), sworn translator/interpreter for German, Russian and Spain (by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain and Ministry of Justice of Luxembourg). Research Group ComInTrad (HUM-995) and Terminological Research Group. Terminology collaborator with the European Parliament (Luxembourg), former President of the Andalusian Germanists Association. Coordinator of the German University Podcast “Radio Wunderbar” in RadiOlavide. Research fields: Cognitive Sciences, Neurodidactics, Translations and Interpreting, communications technics.


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Comment citer

Aquilera Crespillo, M. de P., & Koreneva Antonova, O. (2024). Interactive didactics of translation and interpreting: emotive approach applied to migrant care in German, Spanish, Arabic and Russian languages: Didáctica interactiva de la traducción e interpretación: un enfoque emotivo aplicado a la atención de migrantes en lenguas alemana, española, árabe y rusa. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.



Humanismo y Ciencias Sociales