Language models for generating programming questions with varying difficulty levels



Parole chiave:

Large Langue Models, ChatGPT, Question Generation, Adaptation, Gamification, Python, Difficulty, Pedagogy


Introduction: This study explores the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically ChatGPT-4, in generating Python programming questions with varying degrees of difficulty. This ability could significantly enhance adaptive educational applications. Methodology: Experiments were conducted with ChatGPT-4 and participants to evaluate its ability to generate questions on various topics and difficulty levels in programming. Results: The results reveal a moderate positive correlation between the difficulty ratings assigned by ChatGPT-4 and the perceived difficulty ratings given by participants. ChatGPT-4 proves to be effective in generating questions that cover a wide range of difficulty levels.Discussion: The study highlights ChatGPT-4’s potential for use in adaptive educational applications that accommodate different learning competencies and needs. Conclusions: This study presents a prototype of a gamified educational application for teaching Python, which uses ChatGPT to automatically generate questions of varying difficulty levels. Future studies should conduct more exhaustive experiments, explore other programming languages, and address more complex programming concepts.


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Biografie autore

Christian Lopez, Lafayette College & Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)

He is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science with an affiliation in Mechanical Engineering at Lafayette College. His research interests are in the design and optimization of intelligent decision support systems and persuasive technologies to augment human proficiencies. What this means is, he works on designing and creating systems to help make better decisions and help improve task performance by integrating technologies and methods from science and engineering, such as Machine Learning and Virtual Reality. In some cases, these systems need to be able to motivate individuals as well; hence, the use of persuasive technologies like gamification.

Miles Morrison, Lafayette College

Miles Morrison is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Integrative Engineering with a Robotics Focus at Lafayette College in Easton, PA, and is expected to graduate in 2026. He intends to pursue a graduate degree after obtaining his bachelor’s from Lafayette College to further his expertise. This is his first official contribution to research work and will likely contribute to more in the future. His research and professional interests include applications of artificial intelligence, robotics ; digital automation, and systems optimization.

Matthew Deacon, Lafayette College

Matthew Deacon is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Economics at Lafayette College in Easton, PA, and is expected to graduate in 2026. He intends to pursue an MBA after obtaining his bachelor’s degree. In the summer of 2021, Matthew completed a paper on Stroke data for Prof. Guillermo Goldsztein from Georgia Tech as part of the Data Science and Machine Learning Course for Horizon Inspires Academic. He also completed an online course called “Programming for Everybody - Getting started with Python” through the University of Michigan. Matthew’s professional interests include the use of engineering to innovate and create new products, applications or technologies

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Come citare

Lopez, C., Morrison, M., & Deacon, M. (2024). Language models for generating programming questions with varying difficulty levels. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.




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