An Exploration of Silence in Communication




silence, communication, strategies, interaction, connections, conversations, significance, tool


Introduction: Silent is vital in human communication, extending beyond mere absence of sound to express respect, attentiveness, and comprehension. It is viewed as a form of active listening that promotes deeper engagement and strengthen relationships between people. Despite misconceptions linking silence to breakdowns in communications, it is intricate and essential part of the communication process. Methodology: The article explores the significance of silence in human interaction, examining its varied applications and changes across different settings. Results: Through analyzing literature and examples, the study displays how silence can be a potent tool in verbal and nonverbal communication context, highlighting its potential for enhancing precision and authenticity when combined with other elements like body language. By incorporating silence into communication strategies, individuals can achieve greater completeness and authenticity in their exchanges. Conclusions: The research underscore how silence foster understanding and connections in conversations, emphasizing its versatility and importance in promoting genuine interactions. Discussions: Ultimately, the study affirms the multifaceted function of silence in communication, underscoring its role in helping meaningful and authentic connections between people.


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Biografias Autor

Ángel López Gutiérrez, ESIC University

Ángel López Gutiérrez graduated with a degree in English Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Additionally, he holds several master’s degrees in diverse areas such as Spanish Literature, Literature and Art in the US, and Environmental Management. He also possesses certifications in Occupational Risk Prevention as well as numerous courses in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. His professional experience has always been associated with the academic world, starting as an Assistant Professor at the University of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, organizing Summer Courses of the Complutense University of Madrid, and currently teaching at ESIC University. Furthermore, he has authored research articles and book chapters on diverse topics such as Communication, Literature, and Equality.

Juan José Arroyo Paniagua, ESIC University

Juan José Arroyo Paniagua is a professor in the Department of Academic Languages and the Department of Humanities at ESIC University. He graduated in English Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2018. She holds a Master's degree in North American Studies from both the Complutense University and the Franklin Institute of the University of Alcalá de Henares. He is also a Specialist in Masculinities from the University of Castilla La Mancha. Arroyo Paniagua is currently a doctoral candidate in Literary Studies at the Complutense University. His doctoral thesis analyzes the representations of masculinity in the works of Cormac McCarthy. Arroyo Paniagua's academic interests range from American literature to film studies, television programs, video games and English language. She is also a member of the Spanish Association of American Studies (SAAS) and the European Association of American Studies (EAAS).


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Como Citar

López Gutiérrez, Ángel, & Arroyo Paniagua, J. J. (2024). An Exploration of Silence in Communication. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



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