Building disciplinary knowledge upon the knowledge first-year students already have




Teaching, Learning, Inclusiveness, Interior Design, First year, Competence, collaborative learning, Learning by doing


Introduction: The authors describe how a Fundamentals of Design Lab (LFP) in Interior Design can be an effective learning and teaching venue for combining disciplinary design knowledge with the life experiences that first-year students bring to college. Methodology: In this section, the authors explore the teaching methods and principles of Universal Design Learning (UDL) that include learning by doing, classroom participation, iterative approaches to design, and dynamic teaching methodologies. Results: The section presents data relating to student involvement and participation in the course, acquisition of the study method relating to person/space interaction and finally data relating to the acquisition of skills for concept and project development and communication. Discussion: The authors reflect on the pros and cons of the pedagogical approach. Conclusions: The objectives and learning outcomes of the foundations course were achieved because the teaching approach used a broad spectrum of learning methods, combined disciplinary knowledge with students’ personal experiences, and placed first-year students at the forefront of their Interior Design education.


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Biografias Autor

Alessandra Sironi, Polytechnic University of Milan

Architect, PhD in Interior Architecture from the Politecnico di Milano (2005), she worked in the United States for several years and studied at UIC in Chicago. Her teaching experience as a subject expert began with the Master's Degree in Interior Design (2016) and later expanded to the Product Design course.

Valentina Bisi, Polytechnic University of Milan

Graduated in Construction Architecture from the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2009, she has worked in the fields of Architectural Design, Interior Design, Exhibition Design, Set Design, and Graphic Design. Since 2023, she has been an Adjunct Professor of Interior Design at the School of Design at the Politecnico di Milano, with which she has been collaborating as a subject expert since 2009.

Alessandra Di Virgilio, Polytechnic University of Milan

Designer and interior architect. After gaining experience in architecture and set design studios in Milan and London, she works as a freelance interior designer. Since 2019, she has been an Adjunct Professor of Interior Design at the School of Design at the Politecnico di Milano, with which she has been collaborating as a subject expert since 2010.

Milo Mussini, Polytechnic University of Milan

He lives and works in Milan in the fields of interior design, exhibition design, and graphic design, driven by a strong interest in practices related to living spaces and their practical and theoretical evolution. He serves as a subject expert at the School of Design at the Politecnico di Milano.

James Postell, Polytechnic University of Milan

Architect and Associate Professor of Product Design at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, and Emeritus Professor at the College of DAAP, University of Cincinnati. Owner of a small studio,, he has designed numerous interior projects and furniture pieces, and currently researches and writes about interiors, furniture, craftsmanship, and materiality.


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Como Citar

Sironi, A., Bisi, V., Di Virgilio, A., Mussini, M., & Postell, J. (2024). Building disciplinary knowledge upon the knowledge first-year students already have. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.

