Digital Narratives in Electronic Commerce: A Scoping Review
digital narratives, electronic commerce, social networks, social commerce, human-machine interaction, emotional bonds, brand valueAbstract
Introduction: Digital narratives have become a crucial tool for e-commerce in the last decade, influencing consumer perceptions and decisions by creating deep emotional bonds and conveying the brand's value proposition and identity. Methodology: A scoping review is employed to analyze academic production on the relationship between digital narratives and e-commerce, encompassing 30 relevant studies from the past decade. Results: Four main clusters were identified: consumer relations, social networks, business models, and technology. These clusters demonstrate how digital narratives influence customer loyalty, purchase intention, and brand attitudes. Discussion: Digital narratives emotionally connect with consumers, generating personalized experiences and reinforcing brand identity. It is important to continue exploring the interaction between digital narratives and e-commerce to improve understanding of their impact on consumer behavior and business strategies. Conclusions: A comprehensive view of digital narratives in e-commerce is provided, highlighting key areas for future research and the need for more effective marketing strategies based on these narratives.
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