University, care and social justice: mapping post-pandemic educational face-to-face experiences of COVID-19




care, social justice, post-pandemic, university, duotenography, scriptural cartography, subjectivity, nomadic professors


Introduction: Through a duoethnography, we seek to understand the paths experienced in the return of presentiality after the confinement experienced in 2020 and 2021 and the ways in which our teaching history is currently intertwined with the echoes left by the pandemic. Methodology: We use a dialogic and scriptural cartographic perspective juxtaposing our experiences, recognizing not only our teaching biography, but also the affects and effects that have been mobilized in the return to presentiality. Results: From this scriptural cartography we recognize the field of care and social justice within university spaces, as that which must be adjusted to the post-pandemic, and that today has experiential echoes in our students and in us as teachers, distinguishing that we have become nomadic teachers of pedagogical urgencies. Discussions and conclusions: Finally, we understand the importance of questioning our vulnerability, fragility, and uncertainties, in order to seek alternatives to act and think differently, thereby proposing the importance of sustaining and building a University that provides spaces for care and social justice, projecting the co-responsibility involved in being and doing University.


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Author Biographies

José Rubilar Medina, University of Concepción

Graduate in Fine Arts and Education, Professor of Visual Arts, Master in Educational Psychology, Master in Visual Arts and Education, and Doctor in Arts and Education from the University of Barcelona. My professional experience and academic career concern early childhood, school and university education, also including the promotion of artistic action and mediation programs with an inclusive and gender approach from critical masculinities. The lines of research that I address are inscribed in the sociology of art, posthuman perspectivism, decolonial thought and neomaterialisms. Frameworks that allow me to deepen the sociocultural, heritage, artistic and pedagogical imaginaries.

Patricia Quintana Figueroa, Austral University of Chile

Graduate in Education, Professor of Fine Arts, Master in Visual Arts and Education, and PhD in Arts and Education from the University of Barcelona. For 10 years I developed classroom work, valuing my ethical and political commitment to Public Education. For 12 years I have worked as an academic for Initial Teacher Training in various Pedagogy courses, especially in the Teacher Training program for secondary education with a major in Biology and Visual Arts. I have developed books related to school research as well as pedagogical material for teaching the Arts. Likewise, my last years of research have been linked to public policy, curriculum, philosophy of devices and artistic education, focusing on dialogic, narrative and cartographic methodology.


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How to Cite

Rubilar Medina, J., & Quintana Figueroa, P. (2025). University, care and social justice: mapping post-pandemic educational face-to-face experiences of COVID-19. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.



Humanism and Social Sciences