Creativity when children build with LEGO




games, construction, childhood, Lego, creativity, innovation, combination, team


Introduction: The development of creativity in childhood through construction games, such as LEGO blocks, is fundamental for cultivating cognitive skills and fostering creativity in children. Methodology: The main objective of this article is to investigate the relationship that exists in the evolution of creativity between the results of two time points, separated by 5 years. A first case analysis was conducted at a school in Madrid in 2019, followed by a second analysis in 2024. In both instances, 7-year-old boys and girls participated by playing freely with LEGO bricks. The focus is on exploring the development of creativity in primary school children through LEGO construction, engaging in group activities and improvisational building. Results: According to the study, there were no notable differences between the results of the two experiments, except for the role of the leader, who in 2024 was characterized as constructive, creative, and participative. Discussions: Both investigations were contrasted to analyze the evolution in the LEGO game. Conclusions: LEGO serves as a spontaneous constructive and creative resource, promoting fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, and internal coherence.


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Author Biographies

Romina Caluori Funes, International University of La Rioja

Academic Director of the Master in Digital Advertising at UNIR with more than 10 years of experience in advertising. She holds a PhD Cum Laude from the Complutense University of Madrid, focusing on research on advertising, creativity and childhood. She has held senior roles at NH Hotels and agencies such as Murray, eGentic, Gravity4 and Adtraction, where she worked as Senior Partner Manager. Currently, he combines teaching with consultancy work in Marketing and Digital Advertising for various agencies and clients, demonstrating his commitment to training and practice in this field.

Francisco García García, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Complutesen University of Madrid, with an extensive academic and professional career. He is director of the SOCMEDIA Research Group, which focuses on the study of the socio-communicative behaviour of young people in the Information Society. He has led research projects on the construction of social reality in young people and has directed numerous doctoral theses and published books and articles on audiovisual narrative, creativity and ICT applications in education and communication. He is also executive editor of indexed scientific journals. As a teacher, he has taught at several universities and collaborated in the training of teachers in information and communication technologies. His experience includes directing television programmes, summer courses and seminars, as well as organising international conferences. Francisco García has also been director of the National Centre for Educational Information and Communication.


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How to Cite

Caluori Funes, R., & García García, F. (2025). Creativity when children build with LEGO. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.

