Management of a virtual educational platform with artificial intelligence and its functional suitability in the learning process




management, virtual educational platform, artificial intelligence, learning, ISO 25010, functional suitability, higher education, field study


Introduction: Currently, there is a whole perspective of acceptance or rejection of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. Hence, the approach to integrating AI into virtual educational platforms arises. Methodology: The study proposes an applied investigation of the use of a virtual educational platform with AI (Pv-IA) to manage academic courses efficiently and effectively. This responds to be evaluated through a field study applying an ad hoc survey that is aligned with the functional suitability characteristic of the ISO/IEC 25010 Standard. Results: The descriptive and statistical analysis of the study shows: for the functional completeness dimension that , 100% totally agreed that Pv-AI provides a high degree of functionality to carry out academic teaching-learning activities. In relation to functional correction, the respondents respond Totally agree for 72.55%, emphasizing that the results obtained from the activities in the Pv-IA depend directly on the teacher/student's ability to use it appropriately. Finally, for the relevance dimension, 88.23% respond Totally agree with the achievement of academic objectives. Discussion: A Pv-AI allows the management of the educational process to benefit. Conclusions: The proposed hypothesis is accepted.


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Author Biography

Luz María Hernández Cruz, Autonomous University of Campeche

Professional Training Computer Systems Engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, Master's degree in Information Technology Management from the Universidad del Mayab and PhD in Projects from the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana. In Mexico, I have taught at various higher and postgraduate educational institutions. In the field of scientific research I have PRODEP Recognition and I am a member of the Academic Body UNACAM-CA-60 Computer Science awarded by the Ministry of Public Education of the Government of Mexico. The thematic networks to which I belong: Mexican Network of Software Engineering, Network of Scientific Researchers of Latin America and the Caribbean, Latin American Network for the Advancement of Science, and Network of Women in ICT.


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How to Cite

Hernández Cruz, L. M. (2024). Management of a virtual educational platform with artificial intelligence and its functional suitability in the learning process. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


