The teacher and the incorporation of ICT in the teaching of mathematics at the “Escuela Preparatoria Regional de Tuxpan”




education, ICT, math, teaching, taking of decision, Rational Choice Theory, Parametric Decision Theory, Social Choice Theory


Introduction: ICT are tools present in daily life activities. There are many advantages that this tools offers and there is an easily way to make the difficult thighs turn into simple stuffs, and that facts make an increase in their applications for the education. The ICT incorporation brings with it many changes in the ways to teach and learn, but, who determine the incorporation of the ICT in the education? how to determine what kind of contend, tools and strategies can be used for the learning? Methodology: The present investigation applies a mixed approach, through documentary analysis and the application of surveys to teachers from the math department of “Preparatoria de Tuxpan”. Results: It is possible to know the teaching math factors. Discussion and conclusion: The data reveals that the decision about incorporating the ICT is an individual work and not a collective one, also there are many factors to take care about to make a decision and know which content, tools or software and the strategy in the ICT incorporation, among them stand out the complexity of the content, the objective of the topic, skills and attitudes of the teacher and the student, equipment and tools, among others.


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Author Biographies

Hector Miguel Romero Aguayo, University of Guadalajara

He is a graduate of the Industrial Engineering program at the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Guzmán and currently works as a part-time "B" professor at the University of Guadalajara. He is part of the academic body that comprises the Computer Science and Philosophy departments at the Regional High School of Tuxpan. He currently teaches the courses Information Technologies I and Understanding Science. He is beginning to explore the field of research, with his interests focused on teaching, particularly in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Adriana Lorena Iñiguez Carrillo, University of Guadalajara

She is a professor at the University of Guadalajara. She has experience in analyzing the quality and relevance of curricula in the field of computer science. She is a national evaluator of the quality and relevance of educational programs for CIEES. Her research interests lie in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction, user experience, voice interactions, and artificial intelligence. She has participated in various research projects and the publication of scientific articles. She is a member of the academic body for technologies and educational processes (UDG-CA-1121) at the University of Guadalajara. She collaborates at the Smart Cities Innovation Center of the University of Guadalajara and is a member of the Mexican Academy of Computing and the National System of Researchers of Mexico.


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How to Cite

Romero Aguayo, H. M., & Iñiguez Carrillo, A. L. (2024). The teacher and the incorporation of ICT in the teaching of mathematics at the “Escuela Preparatoria Regional de Tuxpan”. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

