Cognitive accessibility in biomedical research: a look from Biolaw




cognitive accessibility, health literacy, Biolaw, fundamental rights, disability, biomedical research, assistive measures, rules


Introduction: Cognitive accessibility was an unmet demand that, in Spain, has motivated the adaptation of the legal system by Law 6/2022 that reforms the General Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to harmonize the legislation with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Methodology: After making some clarifications about Biolaw, the regulatory change that allows advances in equality as a non-discriminatory law norm is analyzed.Results: The legal reform introduces legal obligations whose purpose is to remove the obstacles that people with understanding and communication difficulties find in cognitively inaccessible environments. Communication barriers are especially discriminatory in biomedical research and confirm the starting premise: accessibility constitutes a precondition for the exercise of rights. Discussion: Evaluate whether the legal norm complies with the norms (principles and rules) included in fundamental rights and its motivation responds to a necessary civic demand. Conclusions: It allows us to illustrate through a specific scenario how the legal norm offers a response to a discriminatory situation. It shows how Biolegislation advocates an accessible and sustainable life and health care model


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Author Biography

Ana Belén Cruz Valiño, Jaume I University

PhD and degree in Law from the University of A Coruña. Master's degree in Bioethics. Degree in Political Science and Sociology. Member of the Galician Research Ethics Committee (Ceim) 2017-2019. Post-doctoral researcher at the University of A Coruña in the Philosophy, Rationality and Constitution Research Group. She has published several articles in specialized journals, as well as other scientific contributions, such as communications in national and international conferences, and participation in international scientific committees. Her concern for global problems broadens the horizons of her interdisciplinary research by incorporating the ethical and legal aspects of biomedical research. The author is a Doctoral Professor at the European University in the subjects of Law and Deontology and a Researcher at the Universitat Jaume I (Doctorate in Civil Law Department).


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How to Cite

Cruz Valiño, A. B. (2024). Cognitive accessibility in biomedical research: a look from Biolaw. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


