Analysis of SaaS adoption and service quality in various industries: A Systematic Review




SaaS, technology adoption, quality of service, tripod model, cloud computing, organisational factors, technology environment, organisational readiness


Introduction: This study examines the adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS) in organisations, highlighting its growth and variations in its diffusion due to technological, organisational and environmental factors. Methodology: Using a literature review, a tripod model of readiness is proposed that includes technological, organisational and environmental aspects. Results: Empirical results indicate that all aspects are important for SaaS adoption, although their influences vary between psychological variables and manifest outcomes. Discussion: The findings suggest that organisations must be prepared on multiple dimensions to effectively adopt SaaS. Conclusions: The importance of comprehensive readiness to maximise the benefits of SaaS in organisational settings is underscored.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Corral de la Mata, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Rey Juan Calos (URJC), with Cum Laude qualification. Experience backed by more than 30 years of activity in the financial sector, performing Commercial Management functions at both network and Territorial Management level. Experience in positions of responsibility at Central Services level, in departments such as ‘Marketing’, ‘Alternative Channels’, ‘Means of Payment’, ‘Management Control and Business Development’, ‘Internet and Online Banking’ and ‘Asset Management’. Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). He has published articles in JCR and Scopus journals. Member of the research team: MARPRISO and of the consolidated teaching innovation group in data intelligence, information systems and new trends.

Óscar Aguado Tevar , Nebrija University

Managing Director of the Nebrija University, Mining Engineer and PhD from the UPM. He also holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from HEC-Paris, and a Master's degree in Energy Economics from the French Petroleum Institute and the University of Oklahoma. In addition to participating in Nebrija Management, he combines his teaching work at Nebrija with the responsibility for the Economics module of the Master Oil&Gas (ETSIME-UPM). He has taught financial subjects at CUNEF and directed numerous Master's Thesis. In his management career, he has held various positions at Nebrija, CUNEF and UPM; and has participated in accreditation panels such as ABET and EFMD/ENQHEEI. He also has extensive professional experience in the banking sector, having worked 16 years at BBVA: 9 years in Strategy and Business Development in asset management and 7 years in wholesale banking in the energy sector.

Luis Díaz-Marcos, Nebrija University

Professional with an outstanding career in academia and university management. He is currently Director General of Nebrija University and, previously, Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Faculty and Professor in the Department of Business, where he has led the optimisation of the faculty and academic structure. He previously worked at CUNEF for 14 years, where he was Academic Director of Postgraduate Studies, Academic Director and Professor of Ethics and Corporate Governance. He was also CEO of the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) and was a lecturer at the Nebrija University for 14 years in various management roles. In the banking sector, Mr. Díaz Marcos has experience as a Business Manager at Banco Santander and as an analyst at the Bank of Spain. His academic background includes a PhD in Business Studies with a specialisation in International Business Management from the Nebrija University, as well as a research degree in Applied Economics with a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economic Growth and Sustainable Development from the UNED and a Diploma in Senior University Management from the Nebrija University. He holds an MBA from the University of Houston and a Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has also participated in training programmes at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University.

María García de Blanes Sebastián, Rey Juan Carlos University

PhD in Economics from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, with a Master's Degree in Digital Marketing (UOC), a Management Development Programme (IESE), a Master's Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management (ESIC) and a Bachelor's Degree from the Universidad Complutense. She has published in various magazines, books and manuals. She has more than twenty years of experience in marketing, sales, operations and business intelligence in companies such as Orange, Zed Worldwide and Telvent among others. She has developed business and marketing plans, market research, commercial strategies and advertising campaigns and has worked on product launches and the development of marketing solutions, including e-commerce and chatbots. She is also a lecturer at universities and business schools, teaching undergraduate and master's degree courses in e-commerce, marketing and lean management, and tutoring undergraduate and master's degree final projects in SEO, SEM and web analytics. Business Mentor at Fundación Madrid to support startups.


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How to Cite

Corral de la Mata, D., Aguado Tevar , Óscar, Díaz-Marcos, L., & García de Blanes Sebastián, M. (2024). Analysis of SaaS adoption and service quality in various industries: A Systematic Review. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.



Research and Artificial Intelligence