The oppressed in art. Pictorial representations of “The Itinerants” for a critical pedagogy




Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Problematising Education, Praxis, Dialogical Learning, Social Realism, Travelling Artists, 19th century Painting, Russia


Introduction: This essay addresses how the aesthetics of the work of art, reified as commodity, reflects the ideology of the ruling classes, contrasting with the ethical representation of the empirical reality of the oppressed, as in the case of Russian critical-social realism. Methodology: The study puts Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy in dialogue with the works of Los Ambulantes, using a critical hermeneutic to analyse the dialectical relationship between the work of art and its pedagogical function. Three key questions are structured: what, how and what for. Results: The analysis reveals how works of art, under dialectical questioning, become tools for a pedagogy of hope. The role of the artwork as a means to confront the culture of domination is examined. Discussion: The revitalisation of the dialectical-material analysis of pictorial works is presented as a response to the pragmatism that threatens art, the humanities and creativity, proposing a pedagogy of hope in the face of domination. Conclusions: Works of art, analysed from this perspective, can be transformed into critical pedagogical instruments, driving resistance to domination and promoting creativity and humanism.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Fernández-Arroyo López-Manzanares, Autonomous University of Madrid

Graduate in Geography and Land Management, Master in Research in Letters and Humanities and PhD in Research in Humanities, Arts and Education by the UCLM. His lines of research focus on the Didactics of Geography, Social Sciences and Humanities and the Social Geography of Tourism. She has actively collaborated in competitive research, innovation and transfer projects on Education, Geography and Landscape and Tourism. She is a member of the Research Group on Geohistorical Sources (IDE_GEOHIS) and the Research Group on Urban and Tourism Studies (URByTUR), both at the UAM. He currently teaches in the area of Human Geography, Department of Geography, in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UAM.

Sonia Morales Cano, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Degree and PhD in Art History with Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She is currently a professor in the Department of Art History at that University, attached to the Faculty of Letters of Ciudad Real, where she teaches the subject of Byzantine and Russian Art. One of her lines of research is the vision of medieval art in contemporary times, interested in the connections between the artistic work, literature and visual rhetoric. Among the research projects of which he has been part are The Journey to Russia. The Presence of Castilla-La Mancha in cultural and artistic exchanges (Ref. PAI08-0229-3924) and Spanish travel and travelers to Russia (Ref. HUM2007-61741).


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How to Cite

Fernández-Arroyo López-Manzanares, A., & Morales Cano, S. (2025). The oppressed in art. Pictorial representations of “The Itinerants” for a critical pedagogy. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.



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