Inclusive research, another way of doing science




inclusive research, collaborative research, participatory research, integrative research, socially engaged university, research ethics, critical research, social education


Introduction: This study aims to analyse the process of three research projects carried out from an inclusive approach, in order to assess their positive aspects and areas for improvement, and to understand how participants adopt this approach. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used, with participant observation throughout the projects and interviews with four key people from each project. The study focuses on research competence and the development of research based on values of social justice, equity and sustainability. Results: Inclusive research was found to be flexible and adaptive, with different forms of implementation depending on context, professional culture and needs. Participants showed a collaborative, ethical and critical approach throughout the stages of the process. Discussion: Inclusive research demonstrates great potential to transform oppressive and exclusionary realities, due to its ability to adapt and promote participation and ethical engagement. Conclusions: Inclusive research is a powerful tool for social change, offering a flexible approach that can effectively transform oppressive social realities.


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Author Biographies

Aintzane Cabo Bilbao, University of the Basque Country

Aintzane Cabo Bilbao has a degree in Physics and a PhD in Biochemistry. Trained in Pedagogy (Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude) and Psychodrama (Institute of Group Methods of Navarra). Currently, she is a lecturer in the Department of ‘Educational Sciences’ since 2011 and teaches in the Degree of Social Education at the Faculty of Education of Bilbao of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She leads several international research projects (Erasmus+) in the field of youth activation, community development and socio-educational actions from the perspective of non-exclusion and human rights, with groups from Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Portugal and Spain.

Monike Gezuraga Amundarain, University of the Basque Country

PhD in Education (2014), Pedagogue and Master in Special Education. Associate lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation. She teaches on the Bachelor's Degree in Social Education. She also teaches on various postgraduate courses. She has carried out several research and training stays in Chile and Argentina. She has participated as a researcher in MINECO R+D+I projects and European Erasmus + research projects. Her main lines of research include the inclusion of people in vulnerable situations, service-learning and the critical university. It has a six-year research period recognised by the CNEAI. From 2018 to 2022 she has been Vice-Dean of Internships and TFG at the Faculty of Education in Bilbao.

Cristina Arriaga Sanz, University of the Basque Country

Senior Lecturer in Music Pedagogy and Doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. She is currently a University Lecturer in the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Her research activity has focused, on the one hand, on motivation for learning music in primary school, mainly in relation to the ways in which teachers act and the interactions that take place during musical educational practice. On the other hand, she has researched music teaching at different educational levels and in teacher training, from a reflective, interdisciplinary and creative approach.


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How to Cite

Cabo Bilbao, A., Gezuraga Amundarain, M., & Arriaga Sanz, C. (2025). Inclusive research, another way of doing science. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.



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